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Hello to those of you checking in to my blog site here at “Beyond the Noise”. I really owe an apology to anyone who has checked in here and who has commented expecting some kind of response! Please forgive! I was just learning how to Blog back in May when due to illness, both my own and in my family, I put the Blog on “hold” for sometime. I am just now “picking” this back up and ask for a LOT of patience while I am in the learning stages, which may continue for sometime, especially in light of the “busy-ness” of this Christmas season.

What a year 2020 has been!! I have so much I want to write about regarding all that has transpired this past year, but for now, I just wanted to get an apology out there while I am learning. God Bless whoever you are “out there” looking to go “Beyond the Noise”. It has always been essential that we spend alone time with Jesus, but oh how much more so now even, with all the challenges 2020 has brought our way! Until I get on the site again and while I am in the learning stages, I’d like to leave this thought with you……You are NOT alone! God created you to have a relationship with Him. He is not just some faraway “entity” out there in the Cosmos. He has allowed you to come into “being” and He has a plan for you and your life. We can know God through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No man can come to the Father, but through Me” John 14:6.

If you have a Bible read the Gospel of John. Read for yourself Who Jesus is and Why He is not “a” way or “a” truth…..,but THE way, THE truth! Until next time, I’ll be praying for any of you who will find this site until we make it more public. Pray for me as I learn. I look forward to sharing again soon! Lisa