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Hello, welcome to my blog! What I should say perhaps is, welcome to His blog! It was, after all, His leading that brought me to this in the first place. His desire planted inside of me for many years! The desire to blog? Not necessarily, no, the desire to write.  And I can write here, so I will start here. And who is “He” you may ask? He is my Father, my Lord, my Savior, my King! The One to whom I gave my life; because He gave me His life. This Lord, my Savior, is Jesus Christ! The One who died and rose again, not just for me, but for you too! For you too……

Because this is my first “posting” on this new blog site, I want to first and foremost establish what this blog is all about. It is about a place, a beautifully personal, quiet and intimate place “Beyond the Noise” where Jesus longs to meet with us and speak into our hearts. It is about enjoying a depth of closeness with Him that is far more satisfying and awesome than any other intimacy you could ever know!  And if you do not know Him, then Oh my friend, this is about YOU especially! Because for those of you who read this that don’t know Him, I SO want to introduce you to my friend! My friend of whom I speak is my Lord, THE LORD, and JESUS is His Name!

Journey here with me, will you? Let’s go deeper together. Let’s go to that place. Let’s go “Beyond the Noise” of our busy lives and crowded minds. Let’s go “Beyond the Noise” to where Jesus sits patiently waiting……waiting…, to talk with YOU. To talk to me. To reveal to us, who He really is through His holy and inspired Word, the Bible. This earth can become a very “noisy” and “crowded” place. When Jesus walked here in the flesh, He Himself went often, “beyond the noise”. He went to pray. He went to talk to the Father.

We read the following verse in Mark 1:35 (NIV)Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

If Jesus needed to go “beyond the noise”, needed to go to that quiet place to talk to His Father, then who are we to think for one minute, that we don’t need to do the same?! He was modeling for us how to “do this life”. We NEED HIM!  A life lived in Christ is not about “religion”, it is about “relationship”! After 45+ years of knowing our Lord, I can tell you that a life lived walking with Him, living in Him, is life indeed! It is not a perfect life. It is not a life without hardship or sorrow or pain! It is not a life free of weakness or struggle. But it is a life that is FULL! It is a life that is BLESSED! A life where God Himself becomes your best and closest friend and will be by your side forever! Jesus said……”I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 (NIV).  

God Bless you today! Please leave me a note. Let me know what YOUR thoughts are. Let me know, who, you are. I will respond to every comment or question as soon as I possibly can! Thank you so much for checking in to “”.